I am Colleen, I’m a simple wife trying to live a simple life. I recently started blogging to create a side hustle that allows me to work from home doing the things that I love. I have been working fulltime as a dental hygienist for the last 10 years and realized my body cant handle another 10 years. My back and neck are so tight that even my massage therapist doesn’t know what to do with me anymore!!! So it was time for a healthy change!

I am also very much a homebody and introvert. My husband and I enjoy spending time doing projects around the house and working on our little homestead. We have 12 chickens and a crazy rooster, and 6 cats that allow us to reside with them. We live in an old stone house on about 3 acres, so there is always a project to be done.

It just so happens that most of the things that bring me joy can be considered just simple wifely living. I try to make natural products and eat healthy, while also being self sufficient. I enjoy gardening, reading, cooking, making soap, tending to chickens, and working on home projects.

I hope you can join me on my blogging journey and find what brings you joy in your home life.